somehow, you've stumbled onto this website.
you know the drill already: a place meant to share and organize some of my stuff, such as tracker modules, (pixel) art and whatever else.
do expect a lot of touhou project related stuff around here, though. like, a lot lot.
oh also this website uses some javascript here and there. the one thing that relies on it is the "visual works" page, but everything else should work fine, if a bit odd-looking, in case you have it disabled.
latest youtube video
what's new
9 february 2025 :: new pixel art entry on the "visual works" page. added the "furnace" section (including one file) to the "tracker modules" page.
17 january 2025 :: made some changes to the overall style. ditched the splash page.
added .
10 january 2025 :: updated some links in the "bookmarks" page.
27 december 2024 :: general changes to the stylesheet. the homepage now has a "latest youtube video" section. some updates to the love2D famicom-style touhou project thing, as well as a slightly different look for the page.
29 november 2024 :: fixed one file and added one new file to the "tracker modules" page.
press ctrl+shift+r to hard refresh if something looks broken!