love2D famicom danmaku project

(name pending)
Youmu, the player, moves to the right avoiding some red kunai bullets, as her ghost half shoots to the left.

what is this?

it's an attempt at a touhou-oriented danmaku engine styled after the famicom/NES using löve2D.
of course, the actual hardware limitations are absent, and i don't really plan on strictly following or implementing recreations of most of them (sprite limit per scanline, amount of background/foreground graphics that can be loaded at once, etc) -- but i will keep them in mind and try to respect them as much as logically possible for a bullet hell game (it's just a visuals thing, anyways).

Reimu, the player, dodges an increasingly large wave of blue, then pink, and finally red spear-head bullets. Marisa, the player, dodges a trail of multiple small blue bullets left by a larger one.

main inspirations are:

for now it's mostly just a "for fun" thing, though i do have some ideas on what i could use it for.

here's what i've got so far:

next steps: